Australian and international research and case study papers are available here in our Case Study library. The automated self serve capabilities of vending machine and new technologies is evolving at a rapid pace. If you have specific questions relating to example Business Process or Case Studies provided please don’t hesitate to enquire with us for more information.
Australian Case Studies
BP Oil Refinery, Western Australia
SupplyAgent and SupplyBay: Fully Automated Warehouse solution to give 24×7 secure access to Stationery, Safety Equipment and Industrial consumables. System cost and Installation fees paid back from consumption savings in 4 months.
Nyrstar Port Pirie, South Australia
SupplyBay: Fully Automated Warehouse solution to give 24×7 secure access to mission critical Personal Hygene items, Safety Equipment and Industrial consumables Fully vendor managed solution. First Year rent and Installation fees paid back in 8 weeks from consumption savings.
Office of Shared Services, Western Australia
SupplyAgent: Controlled access by employees to Stationery and Office Supplies with fully automated re-ordering and replenishment of supplies.